Andrew Jacobs

Andrew R. Jacobs is the director for the Great Books Honors program at Faulkner University.  He earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Faulkner, a master’s degree in liberal arts from Auburn University Montgomery, and then a doctorate of philosophy in Humanities from Faulkner.  He has a long history with the Great Books tradition, with over six years of experience, four of those on the graduate level.  He has taught both developmental English and honors courses, as well as fiction writing and creative writing.  He has been teaching in higher education for more than fifteen years.In addition to director honors students in the Great Books Honors program, Jacobs acts as sponsor for the Alpha Chi National Honor Society and Images in Ink, an annual creative arts publication published by the university every spring.  He also helped publish a composition textbook, I Write, with fellow faculty in the English department.  With what time he has left, he writes. Ultimately, he hopes to spend a considerable portion of time reading, writing, teaching, and loving, as well and as truly as possible.“I always try to think, ‘Waste nothing, not my time, not someone else’s time.’ I structure my life this way, and I structure my classes this way.  And, while it may seem absurd to most folks, I can think of no better expenditure of my time, than working among my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and reading and discussing great books with as many and as varied students as possible.”