Eagles SOAR I and Eagles SOAR II Departments

Eagles SOAR grant flyer showing students learning.

E.A.G.L.E.S. Soar I Program: Empowering Academic Growth, Leadership & Excellence through Support Services

We’re excited to offer Faulkner University’s Eagles Soar I Program, funded by the Predominately Black Institution (PBI) Competitive Grant. With $3 million over five years, we’re dedicated to enhancing the educational experience and success of African-American undergraduate students. Join us and take advantage of the following programs and services tailored to your needs.

Animated Graduation Cap Academic Coaching: Transitioning to college can be challenging, but our experienced coaches are here to help. They’ll assist you with goal setting, time management, and study skills, ensuring a smoother journey. To connect with an Academic Coach, contact Cassie Green at cgreen@faulkner.edu.

Animated Book Picture Tutoring: Need help with homework? Our Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) offers free weekly peer tutoring in a range of subjects such as Accounting, Bible, Business, English, Math, Science, Spanish, and more. Visit the ACE for a quiet study space, free printing and computer usage, and even free coffee! For more details, contact Savannah Dockins at sdockins@faulkner.edu.

Animated Backup Image Supplemental Instruction (SI): Struggling with specific courses like Physics, Exercise Physiology, Perspectives of Biology, or Finite Mathematics? SI provides free weekly study sessions led by experienced students who make complex concepts easier to grasp. You’ll also receive course-specific study tips. For more information, contact Cassie Green at cgreen@faulkner.edu.

Animated Brain Image Mental Health Counseling: We understand the importance of emotional well-being. Our confidential mental health counseling services are available for personal, emotional, social, and mental health concerns. To schedule an appointment, simply email counselingcenter@faulkner.edu.

Animated People Image Faulkner Mentors: Our program offers African-American males the opportunity to connect with peer mentors, faculty, staff, professionals, and Faulkner alumni. These mentors provide support, facilitate social involvement, and help navigate integrated student services. Although the program focuses on African-American males, all interested students are welcome to participate. For mentorship opportunities, contact Dawn Chapman at dbchapman@faulkner.edu.

Animated Atom Image STEM Series: Explore the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics through our semester workshops. Designed to introduce you to STEM careers, these workshops are a gateway to Faulkner University’s STEM majors and related fields. Join us at our STEM Series to expand your horizons. For information, contact Elisabeth Davis at tedavis@faulkner.edu.

Animated Certificate Image Internships: Are you a junior or senior ready to take your knowledge and skills to the next level and gain practical hands-on experience in your career-related field? Do you need help finding an internship that will enhance your understanding of the real-life work practices aligned to your degree field? For more information, contact Elisabeth Davis at tedavis@faulkner.edu.

Our mission is to help you achieve your goals. Let’s embark on a journey of academic achievement and personal growth together. Soar to new heights with the Eagles Soar I Program at Faulkner University!

For Eagles Soar I program inquiries, contact Dawn Chapman, Project Director: dbchapman@faulkner.edu

Eagles SOAR grant flyer showing students learning.

Eagles Soar II Goals

  • Improve early success for African-American American and low-income students through enhanced academic advising and access to non-academic wrap-around services.
  • Increase the number of Executive and Professional persisting to bachelor’s programs.
  • Improve Education programs and management systems by increasing institutional research capabilities.
  • Improve online content and course offerings.

Eagles SOAR Department Contacts

Eagles SOAR I Department

Eagles SOAR II Department