John Craft

John Craft is a clinical professor at Faulkner University – Jones School of Law.  He received his B.A. degree from Auburn University and graduated cum laude from Jones School of Law.  Professor Craft is overall director of the law school’s experiential clinical and field placement programs.  He teaches and supervises the Elder Law Clinic where his students provide pro bono legal services for Montgomery-area seniors: preparing basic wills, living wills, and powers of attorney; providing representation during guardianship and conservatorship proceedings; and, assisting victims of elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation.

Professor Craft is past Chair of the Elder Law Section of the Alabama State Bar.  He has presented at more than 30 continuing education conferences/seminars for attorneys and judges.

He is a member of the Alabama Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse where he was the inaugural chair of its Legislative Advocacy Committee.  During his tenure, he led the drafting and eventual passage of two Alabama statutes: the Protecting Alabama’s Elders Act providing specific criminal penalties for elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation, and the Elder Abuse Protection Order and Enforcement Act providing civil restraining orders for victims of elder abuse.

Professor Craft chaired the WINGS (Working Interdisciplinary Networks of Guardianship Stakeholders) Task Force in Alabama from 2017-2020.  WINGS was established to improve the state’s guardianship and conservatorship system, avoid unnecessary guardianship, promote less-restrictive alternatives to guardianship, and prevent and address abuse.  In 2021, he was appointed to the Alabama Supreme Court Commission on Adult Guardianships and Conservatorships which continues the work of WINGS to improve the state’s guardianship system.


B.A., Auburn University; J.D., Faulkner University, Jones School of Law