Teacher Education Program Report

The College of Education uses the following assurances to make sure candidates meet standards:

  • Candidates have successfully demonstrated the knowledge and skills as measured by rubrics, which are used in Critical Assignments (these address standards) contained in program syllabi.
  • Candidates have a total of 8 formal observations during 2 eight week placements. These are conducted by the Cooperating/Mentor teacher and University Supervisor.  A Collaborative Summary Evaluation and a Midterm and Final Grade Report are completed at the end of each eight week placement.  These instruments provide a means for determining successful completion of internship or if remediation is needed.  If after remediation, there is no improvement internship must be repeated.  All assessments measure the knowledge and ability of students to demonstrate standards, including technology.
  • Praxis tests are an assurance of the candidate’s knowledge of their content.

Pass rates on assessments used for licensure are reported to the state through the completion of the Title II Report.  The state reports our data to the federal government and our accrediting agency.

Title II Report data is accessible for the 2 previous years as well as the current year. Faulkner University’s Title II report may be accessed by visiting  https://title2.ed.gov/Public/Home.aspx. Click on Alabama, scroll to the bottom of the page, then click on “Print Complete Report Card” to see results for each institution. You can also view results for each institution in the Table of Contents on the top or bottom of the page.

Admission criteria into the Teacher Education Program for initial certification are available in the Faulkner University Undergraduate CatalogFaulkner University Graduate Catalog and Teacher Education Handbooks available from the College of Education.

Enrollment data disaggregated by race, ethnicity and gender is available from the Office of Center for Assessment, Research, Effectiveness and Enhancement (CAREE).

Field Experience hours meet the minimum number required by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) prior to internship.  All internships are sixteen weeks.

All programs are approved by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) with checklists stamped with APPROVAL.  Faulkner University’s College of Education is accredited with NCATE.