
Through a Glass Darkly: Facing the Future with Hope

Through a Glass Darkly: Facing the Future with Hope

Monte Cox speaks during IFA on the topic, Through a Glass Darkly: Facing the Future with Hope.
Monte Cox speaks during IFA.

After being canceled last year due to the pandemic, the Institute of Faith and the Academy’s conference returned. This year’s theme “Through a Glass Darkly, Facing the Future with Hope” was inspired by Paul’s letter in 1 Corinthians 13. To face the future with hope means being optimistic in light of the fact that Christ has conquered this world. Instead of dwelling on immediate circumstances and viewing them with our earthly eyes, we should consider them with the weight of eternal glory. 

Monte Cox, the Dean of the College of Bible and Ministry at Harding University, was this year’s keynote speaker. Cox further expounded upon the conference’s theme, discussing how to pursue hope in light of the pandemic and the crises unfolding on the national and international level. He also presented ideas for how to bring this message of hope to non-Christian neighbors and how to love them well.

Although the conference kept most of its regular programming, it included more roundtable discussions from different colleges and departments on campus. The conference also added a historical survey of musical composition featuring a live music recital. In addition, both undergraduate and graduate students contributed to creative workshops and academic lectures. 

“Each year we attempt to provide a variety of opportunities to help us teach, write, and serve more effectively,” Dr. Josh Fullman, Director of Institute of Faith and the Academy, says. “Our desire is to promote professional development, intellectual growth, and moral improvement.”

Roundtable events were hosted by the departments of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Art and Music, Mathematics, Natural and Physical Sciences and the College of Education, College of Health Sciences, College of Biblical Studies, and Jones School of Law.