
The Student’s Guide to Mastering the Art of Online Instructor Interaction

The Student’s Guide to Mastering the Art of Online Instructor Interaction

When it comes to the professors you’ll be working with, online classes and face-to-face classes at Faulkner University are similar in many ways. The professor is still educated, experienced and, most importantly, excited to share their knowledge with you.

But it’s normal for new students to wonder what the relationship will be like online. Will they still have a chance to ask questions? How will they communicate with an online college instructor? Here are some tips to help you prepare for online education and how to make the most of it.

What to Expect from an Online College Instructor

Every online college instructor is different and sets up their class differently. They’ll go over these details with you and let you know the best way to reach them. Oftentimes, you can interact with your instructor via email, chat, video chat and discussion forums.

Sometimes, they’ll have opportunities for real-time interaction, as well. They might decide to hold live meetings that you can attend. They could also have virtual office hours where you can send a message and get a response back immediately.

Even though you won’t be in the same room physically, there are still so many ways to communicate online with your professor and get that one-on-one, personalized interaction that helps ensure you receive the support needed for academic success.

Tips for Success

In any class, being able to ask questions and talk to your professor is vital. It’s important to understand their instructions and expectations clearly. Here are some tips on how to best interact with your online college instructor to help you achieve success.

  • Communicate early and frequently. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you want. Get in touch with the professor every time you need clarification about an assignment or are confused about the course material. Establish a relationship early on so that you can feel comfortable reaching out to them anytime you need help.
  • Take advantage of office hours. Your online college instructor is a resource for you to learn. If they offer live sessions or open office hours, take advantage of them. Even if you don’t have questions about the course, it might be helpful to see what other students are asking or get feedback about your progress.
  • Discuss feedback. Once you get a grade back, go over it with your online college instructor. Find out what you can do better for next time and where you can improve your subject knowledge.

Ready to Enroll?

The main thing to remember about interacting with an online instructor is that your professors are invested in your success and want you to leave their class confident in the knowledge you gained there. If you’re ready to begin your online education, apply for online study at Faulkner University today or contact us for more information, and discover all of the benefits our faculty has to offer.