2024 Faulkner Bible Lectureship

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Sunday - October 20




10:00 Morning Keynote: David W. Hester – Amazing Grace! Rotunda (ROT)
5:00 Faulkner University Chorus – Allen Clements, Director Lester Chapel (LC)
6:00 Evening Keynote: Mitch Henry – Grace Is Wonderful Rotunda (ROT)

Monday - October 21




8:30 David W. Hester – Kenneth Randolph Seminar for Preaching Lester Chapel
  Norris Cole – Athletics Seminar: Pursuing the Imperishable – The Athlete’s Focus in Christ: Who Am I Without the Ball? Rotunda (ROT)
9:30 Parker Webster – The Word of His Grace HP 108
  David W. Hester – Kenneth Randolph Seminar for Preaching HP 128/130
  Richard Trull – The Throne of Grace HP 135
  Randall C. Bailey – Calvinism (I) HP 263
  (Ladies) *Rebecca Horn – Grace and Peace: The Perfect Pair Lester Chapel
  Norris Cole & Jeremy Smith – Pursuing the Imperishable: The Athlete’s Focus in Christ: Q & A—Unfeigned Faith: Dwelling with the Lord Wherever You Are Rotunda (ROT)
10:30 Chapel: Devin Swindle – Extending Grace to Each Other Tine Davis Gym
11:30 Art Williams – God Has Given Us Eternal Comfort and Good Hope by Grace HP 108
  David W. Hester – Kenneth Randolph Seminar for Preaching HP 128/130
  Dale Jenkins – Strengthened by Grace HP 135
  Robert Curry – Called According to His Own Purpose and Grace (I) HP 263
  (Ladies) Brenda Turner – Grace...one step further Lester Chapel
  Jonathan Givens - Pursuing the Imperishable: The Athlete’s Focus in Christ: How to Minister to Student Athletes Rotunda (ROT)
12:30 Lads 2 Leaders Luncheon  
1:30 Shawn Mathis – “Man of God” 30 Years Later (I) HP 128/130: Friends of the Restoration HP 108
  McGarvey Ice – Friends of the Restoration (F.O.R.) The Early Life and Career of J. W. Shepherd HP 128 /130
  Dave Miller – Grace, Faith, and Works (I) HP 135
  Tommie Washington – The Gospel of Digital Media HP 263
  Todd Brenneman – Grace Teaches Us (I) Lester Chapel
2:30 Dewayne Bryant – False Doctrines About Grace (I): Infants Are Born In Sin HP 108
  Sam Hester – F.O.R. Divine Grace and Human Will in the Early Restoration in North Alabama HP 128 /130
  Ben & Travis – Renewing Your Mind: Maintaining Personal Mental Health HP 135
  Matt Wallin – Evangelism (I) HP 263
  Cecil May Jr. – Justified By Grace Lester Chapel
3:30 Richard Harp – The Riches of His Grace HP 108
  F.O.R. Tom Childers – Woods—Miller Debate HP 128 /130
  John Marshall – By the Grace of God I Am What I Am HP 135
  G. Scott Gleaves – Grace and the Old Testament (I) HP 263
  Miles Stutts – This Grace In Which We Stand Lester Chapel
5:00 F.O.R. Banquet - McGarvey Ice:  Photographs of Montgomery Restoration History (UCOC) Fellowship Room
7:00 Devin Swindle– Evening Keynote: Grace to Overcome Rotunda (ROT)

Tuesday - October 22




8:30 Mark Posey – For by Grace You Are Saved Through Faith (I) Lester Chapel
9:30 Tavares Mathews – Grace in Suffering HP 108
  Jason Helton – The Role of the Church in the Digital Age (I) HP 128
  Alan Wages – Heirs Together of the Grace of Life HP 130
  Mark Howell – God Gives Grace to the Humble HP 135
  Randall C. Bailey – Calvinism (II) HP 263
  (Ladies) Christa Bryant – Pictures of Grace from Women of the Bible: A look at Eve, Sarah, and Mary Magdalene Lester Chapel
  Dean & Sharon Farris – Special Needs Ministry Rotunda (ROT)
10:30 Chapel: John DeBerry – Grace and Morality (TDG)
11:30 Steve Wages – Extending Grace to Family Hurts HP 108
  Donnie DeBord – The God of All Grace HP 128
  Jeremy Smith – Change Your Mind HP 130
  Clark Sims – By the Grace of God, He Should Taste Death for Every Man HP 135
  Robert Curry – Called According to His Own Purpose and Grace (II) HP 263
  (Ladies) Cindy Henry – “Greetings” of Grace (Matt. 28:9) Lester Chapel
12:30 Ladies Luncheon - Search For The Lord’s Way Luncheon (UCOC)
1:30   HP 108
  Trent Burton – Grow in Grace HP 128
  Howell Bigham – Seeing the Grace of God HP 130
  Dave Miller – Grace, Faith, and Works (II) HP 135
  Trae Durden – Gospel Conversations (I) HP 263
  Todd Brenneman – Grace Teaches Us (II) Lester Chapel
  Rebecca Stewart, Jessica Dean - Homeschooling Seminar: Practical Tips for Homeschooling Rotunda (ROT)
2:30 Dewayne Bryant – False Doctrines About Grace (II): Once Saved, Always Saved HP 108
  Barry Grider – Grace and Law (I) HP 128
  Scott McCown – Grace Reigns Through Righteousness HP 130
  Ben & Travis – Reinforcing Relationships: Building & Maintaining HP 135
  Matt Wallin – Evangelism (II) HP 263
  Justin Rogers – Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord Lester Chapel
  Homeschooling Seminar – Rebecca Stewart, Jessica Dean: Panel Discussion Rotunda (ROT)
3:30 Bryant Evans – Extending Grace to Our Enemies HP 108
  Harold Gilmore – God Is Able To Make All Grace Abound To You HP 128
  Will Hester, Glenn Newton– Behind Closed Doors: Effective Outreach in a Closed-Door Society HP 130
  Kyle Butt – The True Grace of God HP 135
  G. Scott Gleaves – Grace and the Old Testament (II) HP 263
  Mark Howell – God Gives Grace to the Humble Lester Chapel
  Homeschooling Seminar – Andrew Richardson Spiritually Guiding Your Children Through Homeschooling Rotunda (ROT)
5:00 Banquet Honoring Charlie Boddy UCOC
7:00 Evening Keynote: John DeBerry – Grace and Our Nation Rotunda (ROT)

Wednesday - October 23




8:30 Mark Posey – For by Grace You Are Saved Through Faith (II) Lester Chapel
9:30 Keith Kasarjian – Let Your Speech Always be with Grace HP 108
  Jason Helton – The Role of the Church in the Digital Age (II) HP 128
  John McMath – My Grace is Sufficient For You HP 130
  Jeff Abrams – Ukraine Under Siege: An Unholy “Holy War” HP 135
  Randall C. Bailey – Calvinism (III) HP 263
  (Ladies) Jania Otey – Women of Faith Lester Chapel
10:30 Chapel: Ross Mitchell – Be Strong in the Grace That is In Christ Jesus  Tine Davis Gym
11:30 Gary Dodd – The Name of Our Lord Jesus May Be Glorified According to the Grace of Our God HP 108 
  John Gray – Partakers of Grace HP 128
  Patrick Daly – Good Stewards of the Manifold Grace of God HP 130
  Charles Williams – Made a Minister According to the Gift of the Grace of God HP 135
  Robert Curry – Called According to His Own Purpose and Grace (III) HP 263
  Billy Hilyer – See To It That No One Comes Short of the Grace of God Lester Chapel
12:30 Herald of Truth Luncheon  UCOC
1:30 College of Arts & Sciences – Vocational Christian Ministry HP 108
  Mark Martin – Commended to the Grace of God HP 128
  J. David Stark – Grace for the Dead? The Effects of Messianic Descent in 1 Peter 3–4 HP 130
  Dave Miller – Grace, Faith, and Works (III) HP 135
  Trae Durden – Gospel Conversations (II) HP 263
  James D. Harris Jr. – The Grace Of Our Lord Was More Than Abundant Lester Chapel
2:30 Dewayne Bryant – False Doctrines About Grace (III): Grace Excludes Obedience HP 108
  Barry Grider – Grace and Law (II) HP 128
  Joshua Seth Houston – He Gives a Greater Grace HP 130
  Ben & Travis – Responding to Hurt: Suicide & Self Harm HP 135
  Matt Wallin – Evangelism (III) HP 263
  Student Lectureship: Dalton Adams Lester Chapel
3:30 Sam Long – Abound in This Grace Also HP 108
  Brent Missildine – Continue in the Grace of God HP 128
  Will Hester – Next Generation Ministries HP 130
  Mike Horn – Saved Through the Grace of the Lord Jesus HP 135
  G. Scott Gleaves –Grace and the Old Testament (III) HP 263
  Student Lectureship: Christian Cherry Lester Chapel
5:30 Faulkner University Chorus Allen Clements, Director Lester Chapel
7:00 Evening Keynote: Melvin Otey – Grace and The Judgment Rotunda (ROT)

Thursday - October 24




10:30 (Two hours) DEBATE – Is Gambling Morally Acceptable? David W. Hester v. Bill Pascrell III Tine Davis Gym
11:30 (Two hours) DEBATE – Is Gambling Morally Acceptable? David W. Hester v. Bill Pascrell III Tine Davis Gym


Hotel Accommodations

The Drury Inn in Montgomery has been gracious enough to give us a group discount on all reservations booked online. Please CLICK HERE to reserve your room using the group discount.

Child Care

Child care will be provided by our Elementary Education majors. When registering, please indicate how many children you will be bringing so we can plan appropriately.

We will be open for childcare from 8:30 - 2:30 October 21st - 24th. Please be prepared to provide a lunch for your child or come pick your child up for lunch and return him/her after. A morning snack will be provided.


Special banquets will be hosted on Monday and Tuesday nights. The cost to attend will be $20 per person each night and a meal is included in the cost of attendance.